Friday, January 10, 2003
why do i feel like i am always competeing with myself to see how late i can stay up? I'm not tired at all...but really i am falling asleep at the computer but i wont friggin go to bed. I feel as though that would be giving in. I would lose...lose to who? I'm going fucking nuts...

Well fork is hanging out in her coffee mug. I think she doesn't like me. She stays in there a lot. Maybe i will get another fish and put it in there to make her jelous. Then it will kick her out of her mug. The only bad thing is that she would probably eat that other fish. But then again that would be cool too. I think that would be neat. If anyone has fish that are on the smaller side and you dont want them anymore bring them over and we will have fishy WWF. That was Jeremy's idea orignally i guess cause i was talking to him while i was at work tonight and he came up with something like that but i didn't think of how cool it was until now.

How come all these people visit everyone at work. Like you know what i mean? Everytime i turn around someone is visiting dustin at work or someone was always visiting Jenni at work and kyla was always visiting Kris. But who the fuck visits me? NO one. Like i mean yeah sure my bosses would have a shit fit if you stayed for like half an hour and there were cutsomers there. But i mean it's the thought that counts. LIke even if my boss was there and there were no customers she wouldn't care if someone came and had a say for like 15 min or so. And usually if it is thursday or fri and past 5 i won't have any customers and i am going to be alone for the next 3 hours sitting there staring at the fucking wall. I want to see respect....i want fans. I want you to come visit me.

oh and to the person who keeps writing about me in their blogs (and you know who you are) i think you should stop doing that and directing at people and sayint they should know who they are. Cause really how are you supposed to know who you are? If you knew you were doing it why would you do it in the first place? And does blogging about it fix anything other than your fear of confrontation? nah not really. but you know who you are.. oh yes you do. If your not sure if i'm talking about YOU then i do have you paranoid now don't i. Yes i'm talking about you...mmm hmm worry, feel bad and apologize.

hee hhe yeah i'm tired and i think you can tell my the dialog here. It really put me out how i went to pass my report in and my class wasn't there. I mean i was only the standard Krista 30 min late and the class is supposed to be 3 hours long. What is the big idea of everyone leaving after 20 minutes? Am i supposed to read a novel for next class or something? Is something big coming up that everyone is supposed to be working on that id ont know about? Well i guess i have an extra week to rewrite my report now. I prolly wont though. It is short 600 words....but i dont think i am too worried....yet. I just dont feel like i can write on that topic. I am really good at babbling along about nothing for a really long time but not about really complicated university english questions involving ears and eyes and men who are over 2000 years old or something. Yeah i think i have a real talent for nothingness. Sometimes i can do nothing for days on end. I can talk about nothing for hours on end. I can even write about nothing for paragraphs. I should write a show like sienfeld. That was a show about nothing. Maybe that is my calling.

I am going to be spending March break (well my kind of self made one) in Halifax visiting Jenni and Kelly. Steph wants to come with me but i told her to asks our hosts first. She prolly wont, say she did and come anyways. Kyla might come too. Where are we all going to sleep? Who knows. Who cares. There are lots of people i could crash in on if i had to. I will be in Halifax from Feb 27th until March 6th. I dont have any money for this trip right now but hopefully i will by the time the day comes. ALSO i was going to say something but i can't remember what it was. Oh yes.....umm no i still dont remember. Sorry...i'm almost sure it was a jem.

I would really like to make a jem and the holograms movie with a home video ocamera and a bunch of us drunk. That would be hilarious. actually maybe not cause i can't really remember what jem and them did other that dress in totally 80s clothes with big hair and animal prints. We could have an 80's theme party at the red rock feb 8th. That would be neat-o.

Well it's 12:15 i think i will go to bed now. I hate going to bed. OH YEAH I REMEMBERED what i was going to say...but too bad it's not interesting. I haven't told my parents i am planning a trip to halifax thats all. Fuck money is tight and it's depressing. I feel bad for my dad cause i know it's tight and he is a mans man and wants to provide for his family and give them a good quality of living and give them everything they want. He can't do that anymore and i think it's tearing at him pretty bad. *sigh* I love my daddy. I wish i had a million dollars i'd give him half... well i would give him enough to pay off his debt.. well i dont know how much a million dollars really is. I dont think he has that much debt though so it would prolly look cheap if i just gave him enough and ihad a million dollars. I guess i would give him half then. Cause he's my dad. Now i have to guy buy a 649 ticket. I'll have to save up for that though i dont even have 75 cents. Hey did you ever notice that keyboards DONT have a symbol for cents? just dollars.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 12:14 AM
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