Saturday, August 30, 2003

well hipple the nipple thought it was funny 

i am going to pack today....i have to....i promise. I am going to call sara and get her number and see if we can sell our book and then i got to call kyla and get her number and then i have to pack. The rest of the numbers can be posted on tag board. Aiii? aii.
1-902-491-8668 EXT 4782#

Krista Experienced Paradise at 12:57 PM
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Tuesday, August 26, 2003


man wouldn't it be rad to make beautiful elligant christmas angles with wings and gold and stuff but make them have like really ugly funny looking faces? That would be fun and i could sell them in brass decor.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 6:38 PM
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half full 

i am tired of every snack thing being half full....like chips are like 1/4 full....what a waste of the rest of the bag...just make the bag smaller if you wanna waste it!

And now fruit snacks.....i am eating sunkist fruit thingers and i open up the lil cellophane package and i have like not even half a bag of fruit thingers....i am sure i am not the only one dissapointed. I can imagine kids think someone stole the rest of em. I'd be pissed.

There is nothing to look at on the internet. It's such a shit hole. And no one ever adds anything to it. I updated my poll on my site as well as my theories.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 6:37 PM
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Monday, August 25, 2003


I love my little cousin rebecca....she is so adorable. And my cousin Kathleen was singing evanescence (spl) you know the one that goes wake me up inside blah blah blah and she was singing it....was so cute...she's 8.

The wedding went well and i finally got the drivers put back on my computer. i recommend formatting anytime. I even have most of my mp3's on back up disks so now i just have to put em back on here.... oh yeah i also have do download synapse.

Anyways i am leaving on sunday around 1 or 2. I would like to see barrett and derrik (spl) o'donnel and all my regulars before i leave. That would make my last week here just spppeeecial. hahah

Krista Experienced Paradise at 11:35 AM
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Friday, August 22, 2003

when i thought a ponytail WAS doing my hair 

Ok i've been transported back to middle school mentally. I like a boy and i'm nervous but it all doesn't matter cause i am leaving. Go figure, the only guy worth even spending time with on the chi and i meet him now. With my karma that seems about right. Going to be in hali till sunday for a wedding, please call my cell or text me as much as possible.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 10:38 AM
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Monday, August 18, 2003

down the toilet 

fork committed suicide either last night or the night before. I couldn't find him today so i started taking all the toys out and he wasnt in there. Then i remember about kyla's fish doing that. So i looked behind the couch and sure enough that's where he was dried right out. So now i am going to take the stuff to halifax and then maybe get a fish there.

oh well....down the toilet.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 6:13 PM
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Friday, August 15, 2003


You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!
Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

and eggghhhhhhhhh *squish*jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Krista Experienced Paradise at 5:12 PM
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Tuesday, August 12, 2003


well i guess we are going camping on Saturday for 23 dolla..ya know i just realized tha ti dunno how to spell 20 in french...... how did that fall through the loop? someone help me out over on the tag a ma board. Mike if you are reading this in your own lil world CALL ME GOD DAMN IT. But yeah if i wasn't leaving in 2 weeks or so i would let you have your time but while you are having you time you are using up the time that we could be having fun together before WE LEAVE. uggboooooots................ :(

Oh well fork is happy i'm generally happy, kyla seems happy...life is good.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 11:58 AM
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Sunday, August 10, 2003


most girls are psycho and complicated, "kyla and i are just easy!"
- Krista Subway after the OH august 2003

Krista Experienced Paradise at 2:53 PM
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Friday, August 08, 2003

nice to meet you  

Now is the time in our lives that i think we should all learn the difference between acquaintences (spl i am horrible) and friends. When you really think about it you can be nice to people you meet and people you hang out with but do you really have to take the time to bare yourself to them? nah not really. I think sharing your quality with your FRIENDS is more important than spreading yourself out thinking amongst people you just hang with or see occasionally. There isn't enough of you to go around. Looking back i think i mostly had accquaintences in high school. There are very few people that when i have a mojor problem or something complicated that i want to take the time to tell them. Because you really only tell the people who are going to be around the next time something big happens so that they know the background.

I think coming out of highschool i might have had 10 friends and alot of accquaintences, now that a year has passed and time has lossened us from each other and we have all grown I feel that i only have about hmmmm 4 friends and that might even be stretching it. And i dont feel bad about that, it's apart of growing up. I will be putting a lot into these 4 friends, these are my money holders, my prized stock. These are the people who earn my trust and put me in my place and are there for me when i stepped out of it. I like it this way. I like knowing alot of people and having a good time but it rediculous to expect people to tell you everything. Why should we spread ourselves so thin, there is no reason everyone should know everything about me. Most of the things i share with friends should be kind of special...like only they know the big stuff cause they are the only ones who know the real me.

I am not sure where this is going but it looks as if the people around me are trying desperatly to act as if they are friends with everyone from high school and nothing has changed. Ourlives are getting bigger and things are getting more complicated and trust is getting harder to keep and earn with all things going on, so i think it's time to cut your losses and only keep those close who you know are going to be there for awhile. Not to say that your relationship with change with those other people but we should just recognize them for what they are, great accquaintences and great people to hang around with.

Maybe other people view accquaintces as friends and friends as best friends, but i guess i just see things differently. I want to know my friends and i want them to really know me and unless you have around 5 thats really hard to do.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 7:10 PM
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i sent joel a link 

hey joel, if you are reading this! SEE? unique

Krista Experienced Paradise at 3:34 AM
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the mike in my mikeness 

seriously it bothers me when we argue about stupid shit that we know won't matter the next day and i know you know and say that but i wont drop it but thats cause it bugs me. Maybe i haven't been taking my paxil regularly, maybe you caught me lol maybe i should take it for your sake. let's make the last weeks good ones babe! MUAH! lets plan a special m&K day......hey there is a m&k meat shop opening up by the dtown subway. We could do a lot with this.....

Krista Experienced Paradise at 3:09 AM
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Thursday, August 07, 2003

all blocked up like a fat kid after eating a brick of cracker barrell 

yeah so i dont have much to say latley. I stole kyla's template cause i like it. Fish is alive. Haven't seen mike much but he got a new blogger, not much in it yet though, i get bored of re-reading blogs. haha. hm....

i have no money. For the first time in my life that i have really had no money it has made me realize that most people i know don't know what i mean when i say i have no money. For instance, the shawn guy at work is always wanting to go out drinking. "goin out tonight?" he asks. "nope, got no money.." i say. "well how much is a beer?" he questions, "i dunno i dont drink beer and if i did i dont have the 3 bucks for one." *confused look*

(flash forward to next day)
"didja go out last night?"
.....................................i begin to see the stupidness in this conversation.....
"nope.............didn't have any money"

(four hours later)
"going out tonight?"
....................................................... "maybe..................."

I give up.

Then tonight i was in the irving getting bread cause i just got back from mom and dad's and stole a twoonie.....i mean toonie caue i hate it when people spell it like that....anyways i took it and was using it to buy bread at the irving. I ran into matty and jeremy there, now don't get me wrong jeremy seems to understand what no money means...but matty just kept on a trucking.

"what are you up to tonight?"
buying bread
"not going out?"
i have absolutly no money, that's why i'm buying bread......
"oh.....kyla and snag break up?"
no where the fuck did that come from
"i dunno saturday was a big fight"
yeah thats normal
"so ya going out?"
no money i said just goin home with my bread
"oh so your not doing anything."
nope i am not. Talk to ya later guys.

The only thing worse than no money is telling people you have no money, and even after you tell them and feel shitty about not being able to do anything they don't believe you and you have to keep telling them over and over. But for some odd reason they think that this is a short term thing and in two days you will have money again. But i am -3500 or so, so thay just AINT gonna happen. So the vicious circle will continue. Pay day's will come and go, dad will take the cheques that come from them and people will ask me if i am going out and i will tell them i have no money. I love how exciting this all is.

On a happier note this computer is fucked and i will be getting disks to make a startup disk tomorrow and format the fucker. Excuse my german.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 1:13 AM
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