Wednesday, March 19, 2003
woah may jean! Yeah so tonight saddam better pack his begs and move to mexico...well thats not gonna happen cause he pretty much told bush to fuck off. Oh well i hope they hurry up and kill saddam, i'll feel a lot safer in the future. PLUS all those people who have been opressed by the fucker will finally be free. YAY iraqies!

wellllll i got nothing to say. I am done school before easter, actually on April 16th. So i am gonna try to do my homework till the end and then get another job for the summer. Anyways that is all.

i might come home from psyc early though to see what bush has to say. I know a lot of people think he's stupid but it's my OPINION that yes he IS BUT someone has to stop saddam and SOON and he is happens to be the only president of the only country powerful enough to do it. I think the war has to happen, some times shit happens that sucks and no one likes but its for the greater good. If canada gets involved i've decided i'll inlist. I hope if it comes down to that Canadians won't be pussies.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 4:48 PM
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