Sunday, May 04, 2003
ok well i went to crystals and had an ok time and she is having her birthday at the OH on friday so everyone should go to that. And then i heard that dustin is having a bday party for her on sat but i didn't hear of that until i went to crystals....wierd. Anyways today i have to clean my house, the whole thing, do ten loads of laundry (i have no washer only a dryer) and i am taking my grammie to visit a grave and out for icecream then i am going to clean my car inside and out and this week sometime when no one has to work i think it would be cool to have a leaf raking party at my place. We can have music outside and boose and we can rake my yard to daddy will let us have parties here and at the lodge in the summer. Matty and i came up with a great party plan for the camp. So we are going to stay in the guest house or tents and we are going to have a big fire at night and roast marshmellows and stuff but we are going to use a whole sat and sunday type thing. Like on sat afternoon we will go canoeing and tubing and swimming and fishing and then at night we will eat and drink and have a fire and then the next day we will go walking and hiking and 4 wheeling and fishing and canoeingb and tanning and oh doesn't it sound like fun? yes yes it does so come rake leaves if you wanna come. Thats right work for fun. That is all. Call me if you want to help rake.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 12:58 PM
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