Thursday, July 03, 2003
mmm hmm ok i take my watch off all the time and flick it around as a nervous habit. Well i dont think i have much to be nervous about maybe i am just bored or something. And since i am updating this it usually means i am really bored. Well tonight here is the plan, ross is going to pick me up from work at 9 and then we are going to go home and get ready and go down to the fireworks and schtuff then i am going to go over to choochies with ness and jeremy and mike and brent and maybe john pie if i call him. Then after that jeremy said that mike brent and i and a few others can come back and swim in his pool. I love swimming in pools at night it is so much more mysterious at night then in the day. Josh and Curtis and I used to stay in the pool until midnight sometimes. YAy it's all a wierd type of blue and you feel like you are really in the river when during the day time it just seems like you are swimming in a cement room filled with water.....how fun is that?

Krista Experienced Paradise at 6:47 PM
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