Wednesday, November 12, 2003

kyla smila 

Hey hunny suckles .....hmm that sounds pronographic.
Anyways i dont call, cause i'm too damn lazy. I dont call sara and jenni much either and they live over there *points*.
I still consider you to be my best friend and the one who knows me best. Sara has also moved into the best friend catagory. Maybe thats biased though....she is sharing shipping on our bunnies. I was having doubt about my bunny after talking to mom yesterday but today i say fucking you bunny hating society, fuck you and your hate for big ears and fat assed bunnies. I am getting one, and if i grow to hate him i'll shoot him. Or....try and give him away.....to kyla.......to eat gimly...or whats it's face. His name is Bubba. Sir Bubba. He is heir to be king of the krista kingdom.

Yeah but dont feel like you are missing much. My life is routine, boring and forgetful. I skip class, then i go, i forget to do assignments, i do extra ones to make up. I call shiva, i ooo and ahh and talk and i like him, we fight, he says something pro america which i take anti canada and i hate him. Rinse and repeat. Oh and add in spending too much money...poor...poor...poor...mom and dad refresh allowance acount for next 2 months annnnnnnd rinse and repeat.

I go to the caf...nothing looks good, i eat a bagle. I go to the caf nothing looks good, if the soup looks unharmful i get soup. If all is at a loss i get cereal or a chicken burger or slice-o-pizza. I'm fat, and i dont care. Shiva is finally getting sick of me being fat (all girls are size 2 in trinidad and i was a novelty, now i'm just a turn off). Maybe i should tell him i am sick of him being brown.... but i'm not. And i guess i can lose weight easier then he can change his skin. Ahhh that was mean, i'm a bitch. wegh wegh wegh. .

Also I have been thinking about the good old micheal potter a lot lately. Where is he? What is he doing? I wish i could hear him tell me a story. I missed him most yesterday when i was laziest and wanted my hair done funky. He used to do it for me with product and kewlness shit. I looked the coolest i ever did while hanging out with mike cause he encouraged me to wear stuff i made and things that just looked different. I always wanted to but i wasn't out there enough with my personality before mike. Mike just gave me added pizzazz.... i want my pizzaz back.

Oh a note similar to the last one i have met a gay guy (which i am beginning to not like the way i refer to people as the gay guy the straight guy the chinese guy the asian guy that guy who you dunno where he is from the fat guy the skinny guy, why do i feel i have to use describing words for basic guys), which makes me feel a bit pizzazed and he is always poking me in the hallways knocking me out of my walking daze and says something in a fast hyper way with red cheeks and dissapears down into vanier. I am left there going...who poked me....nathan...what the hell did he say.... i dunno...but it prolly was cool. Smile, he made yer day.

For some reason when i think about sir bubba i call him bubba sparks. I know thats a rapper. I have to stop doing that or else i will have to get bubba some minature bling.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 4:25 PM
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