Sunday, January 25, 2004

st. Matts 

I went to church tonight. It was interesting. The jury is still out on if i liked it. It is a contemporary service so I think I just have to get used to different ideas. It was a very personal setting. People didnt sit in the pews. We sat in chairs in a semi circle around the table that had white candles all over it. This was a service that was supposed to be meditational around music. So there was a ton of music which was really just one verse of a song sung about 5-6 times repeatedly and the last time without the music. Made an eery effect.

Also tonight I had communion. The people were very welcoming, especially the elderly lady who told us more than once that they were so glad we could join them and that "next week won't be so mellow, we are doing some negro music so it will be rocking." and followed up with an old ladies version of a "rocking" dance. She was a cute lady. Tonight sparked my interest to go back for more and see what else they've got. I think i would also like to take in the traditional service in the morning for old times sakes. I wont get up every sunday morning for it but i might make it the odd time.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 9:27 PM
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