Thursday, June 10, 2004

I am the President 

I have been asked to be the Local Committee President of AIESEC Halifax. This is huge.

I am still thinking about it because it is a huge responsibility. This isnt just a student organization that has fun and meets when they want and don't really make a difference. This is an international organization which has huge ties with large companies. This is a organization that is responsible for getting people jobs overseas and getting people from over seas jobs here.

I will need to spend about 30 hours a week on this, recruiting members, organizing meetings with the board of advisors, talking to local companies and making sure everything is going smooth with exchanges. This is going to be like a full time job while going to school and doing my very hard 3rd year. I will need to recruit some really good members to help delegate all the responsibilities out.

It is only 51 days until I leave for China. I am making good progress on the fund raising. I have approx $2000 done, with $2000 left to go.

I think my life is takign off. I dunno if I am ready for that, cause I was expecting to coast for 2 years and take off to Australia. I have a feeling that big opportunities are coming, and I just know my luck. They will be the best thing for my future and I will have to put off Australia. But I won't do that.... at least... I dont think I will.

Krista Experienced Paradise at 10:51 AM
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